Sunday 1 November 2009

Concept Art of Short Film Idea

This is some concept art of a 90 seconds short film idea. The story is set in an agricultural vinyard valley in the season of autumn. A little girl called Noodle Dawn goes out to harvest pumpkins with her older brother Hanzel. An accident makes them lose almost all their crop, but one pumkin remains...

The story idea was inspired by a German folk song which is about a very tall boy and a small chubby girl picking pears; so I wanted my characters to resemble this description and started off by drawing very rough shapes for their body stucture and the kind of location where the story takes place.

Concept art of location. The the colours are very warm to create the feeling of a nice day in autumn.

Concept drawings mainly to characterize the boy and the girl

Storyboard extracts

Coloured concept art

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